In the Unite studios; early brainstorms around provisions, proposals, models, toolkits and home industries. These ideas developed further after our visit to Grizedale.


It’s been a little while since my last post, as I have been busy on a brilliant residency with a bunch of other artists at G39, Cardiff. The artist-run gallery has been turned into a studio for the past three months – a space for experimentation, crits, visitors and conversations. A kind of alternative art school. Today is the final day of the residency and tonight we have the opening show.

My proposal for the residency was to link in with my plans for the A-N Artist Bursary – continuing conversation with Louise Hobson and collaboratively undertaking a research trip to Grizedale Arts. During this time I have been reflecting on the links that have developed / are half formed / have always been, between my work, my conversations and plans with Louise, and Grizedale Arts.

At it’s core, I am interested in how the arts can be fully integrated into society. My residency also tried to respond to the idea of design as a method for action. Through some of the works, I have tried to respond directly to the gallery itself and to the concept of the residency as an alternative art school. I have been interested in the areas of the gallery that hold their own function, outside of the display or making of artworks. I have spent some time working with a local engraver, who bases himself in Cardiff market. I have also studied and responded to a collections of functional objects held at Cardiff Museum. All of these processes have been somewhat informed by my learnings from Grizedale Arts, which helped to clarify some the linch pins within my practice.

As I reflect on this work, I expect that some of the murkier throughs will also become clear. I’ll be using this space to post up some pictures of the work / research / processes.