reflection 6: some time later ….. this week provided an opportunity to review the steps made at Fabrica and a chance to play around with multiple projections in the studio.

There is always a gap between the making of bits of video/film on a laptop and then projecting them …a kind of Eureka moment can occur… I had two projectors to play with and tried overlapping and combining the screens in different ways with the Fabrica material – no Eureka moment but possibilities emerge

These experiements threw up a couple of things – different projectors have different coloured light and they don’t line up very nicely ! however it was interesting to try playing them vertically and across each other and 3 or 5 projectors would be even better!

Just realising the enormity of having to move out of current studio – it’s dingy darkness has been so useful for these experiments as well as for putting on exhibtions and projects. But having to move on always brings new things to think about and new challenges … moving from not having much time/nice space to having more time/less money/no space might throw up some interesting developments/diversions !