It is quiet, I am quiet. I have a sense of freedom from not having a studio and, at the same time, a sense of loss. Somehow makes me feel less of an artist as if having a place of work legitimises the activity, not only to myself but to the rest of the world. I can work everywhere and anywhere.  However, because I have been writing, papers mostly for conference and publication, my creative urges have been fulfilled to some extent. I have made time for art conversations which was a valuable activity in the studio and been to lots of exhibitions including Haroon Mirza at the Ikon, Derby Quad, Nottingham Contemporary where there is some interesting things happening..

But I have needed a break to evaluate. I have wondered whether I have been too comfortable in the studio and was not doing my best work. I also needed a blog break. My concern is whether I have been honest enough in my blogs. Not that I have lied but that I have not been open enough but is that  a requisite of blogging.?

My next step is to edit essay for sound volume, edit paper about holes and sound and silence, write paper for EVA conference which has to be in by March 19thand make work for Athens Platforms for end of March for which I hope to do a film.  I have lots to do!