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The work developed at my residency at the Fabrication Lab at Westminster University with the support of the A-N artist development bursary, went into my workshop The Big Data Cut-Up at the annual Fabfest “Digital City” festival at the P3 Ambika Gallery in central London 7th July 2018. My workshop was themed around the explorations I had been doing with the laser cutters, offering participants to assemble and paint a series of small sculptures made from my everyday actions such as making porridge, school run, phone call, and tracing the route of my healthcare data across the UK.

The workshop also included a collage-making station where participants were invited to create their own stop-motion films using images scraped from children website. The films were projected in the gallery space as we went along. My collaborator Loes gave me a tip to use google ‘publish to the web’ function as a way to showcase the participants work online as they were making it,  and this worked out quite well.

You can see samples of the children stop-motion gifs here. The mini sculptures were assembled and coloured in, and some even created new shapes by combining the different models together.