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The Artwork has been well received and with only a few minor things to address its all systems go for the final completion.

I have watched the work so many times its hard to ‘see’ it anymore nevertheless I am happy with it. Next thing is to save a preservation copy. As I have said before the variety of digital files available is so vast it is a challenge. I have some information from the Digital Archive team to discuss with James, the video technician I have been working with. The preservation copy is all about future proofing the artwork, so new formats can be made as new platforms become available.

Its interesting with early video work made using Super 8 or mastered onto VHS tape, should digital copies be made? With physical film or tape it can come to a point where it is impossible to play the work any longer, the material becomes damaged. So does the piece become a museum object? I still have early video work that only exists on VHS tape, and as with most artists I always seem to be busy with current work and rarely have time to consider archiving, but it is worth thinking about and maybe I need a plan to capture and future proof some of my back catalogue.