A short while ago I was offered the chance to work with Robert Pacitti on a project he has taken on with a ‘Moving Stories’ commission. I have long admired Robert’s work and his integrity. So naturally I said yes to the offer.

Along with artists involved in this work including Giovanna Maria Cassetta, Tonny, Rowan and Robert we began our workshops to develop the work we are doing and to get into the phase of performance art and adventure we are embarking upon.

It was an emotional and incredible sharing experience, maybe I shared too much? The struggles I have experienced within my body, I only shared a small amount, some things were still to raw for exposure to a group of people I had not already worked with.

Meeting and sharing with such professional artists was incredibly humbling, I really felt unworthy yet I did feel a part of a collective collaboration.

I did share something about my experience of the knees being a place where childhood and life experience is held between, if your childhood took a battering, your knees are inevitably weakened and troubled. Needless to say I have extreme issues with my knees!!!

Robert mentioned in a talk he gave to the UCS arts and humanities students about his theory of ‘the explicit body’. A significant and meaningful description of using the body as a creative statement.

Working with professional artists is motivating, inspiring, engaging, challenging, exciting and developing me professionally.

Everyone is friendly, respectful and welcoming

I am loving it…..


Many projects I am currently planning and completing are ongoing, some of those are volunteering roles. I significantly chose them for me to join in line with my practice as an artist, and to become and feel useful in the community. These I plan to demonstrate my skills, and of course as someone with a scattering of dates on my CV it looks good if you are doing work while looking for PAYE work.

In line with my practice I am developing two major projects of my own including

1. The Arts Building (while networking I was offered to apply for some sponsorship!) for the 25th Anniversary of the Arts Building.

2. Transactions – Please Keep This Receipt For Your Records. A research and development piece with the long term outcomes of works to perform, exhibit and develop.

I am also invited to work on a fantastic arts project which I cannot say anything about yet.. so watch this space!

Celebrated on the 29th May the 15 Years of being free of Mental Hospital and out of the psychosis. Applying for some payments to assist with my mobility and of course however difficult it is I am working as an artist and in the community. I could not have achieved as much as I have without the help and hope and support of loved and loyal ones.

Many folk have betrayed me, abused me but I am standing upright with dignity, and while going through some challenging situations, just as a lot of people are, the difference being that I do not cause unwarranted challenge to others.

I do have an issue of censorship regarding my mental health and a UCS campaign. The narrative of my story to support the photograph that I signed off was altered rather a lot. The name of my disorder that made me reconsider my career options being psychosis was altered to the arbitrary “traumatic and life challenging events”. This Is Not Me.
