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The last time I turned up at a PV one of the artists made straight for me clutching a screw of kitchen roll- which I was obviously thrilled to receive. I could see the curator looking somewhat intrigued. Little did he know it contained a wasp and a fly.

Everywhere I go people hand me little jars and pots of dead insects. There is more than a little insanity in all this…………………..

My lovely friend Juliet has sent me a matchbox through the post containing moth wings she has collected from under a bat roost.

I am stupidly excited by their arrival and spend the day lovingly constructing in my mind works with them. Favourite at the moment is to paint each one separately in watercolour – and then as a pile of wings – both works on separate sheets of paper; then frame them side by side as one work.

This seems to honour each insect and memorialise it, while at the same time telling the story of its demise.

I can hear an echo of the listing of names on a plaque at a place of massacre.

Anyway- nothing can be done for a while…………just too much else to do. I need to get my work /life balance sorted. I have so many projects waiting in my brain and no time. The hobby horses are very time hungry.

Maybe by the spring I will have changed my mind as to what to do with them completely and this imagined work will be no more than a homeopathic vibe within the final one………

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