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Glorious sunny day. Could feel myself unfolding in the warmth. Been miserable for far too long.

Trip down to Brighton to meet with a friend in Fabrica and then because Brighton now charges £4.00 an hour parking scarped to the marina where parking is free.

Here to see the Lone Twin project boat that our Farningham Hobby Horse Project donated one of our horses to earlier in the year..

Now part of their fabulous marquetry ….

Greg Wheelan – one of the Lone Twin artists was endlessly patient and chatty although he must be having much the same conversations with everyone on an hourly basis.

Childishly excited to see our donation photo and storyline in their beautifully produced book.

I am offering to volunteer for them when the boat docks at Margate where it will be out of the water on the Harbour Arm.

Think I may be a groupie………..

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