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Been up to London to visit the Queen…well not quite.

Been up to Charlton [SE18] to re-visit my studio.

…which I have been paying for over the last few months but not visited or worked in for various reasons.

Its a 10x11ft white plasterboard box – no window but huge skylight above.Huge old industrial building on the Thames. Use of print equipment and ceramic studio if I wish.

Can use a swipe card to go through a secret door and on to the Thames path. How good is that? Thursday – Sunday can go to the Thames Barrier visitors caff. Rest of the wek the industrial estate has a chips and beans cafe with boxing posters and huge mugs of tea. Shan’t starve.

room to leave wall free so I can paint big if I wish.

Big lift to take all my stuff up 2 floors. Not looking forward to that bit.

Fire escape to sit on in the summer and look out over London.

It feels ok. Is a 30 min drive from home and not sure what it will feel like late at night /in the winter- might pass on that one.

Now to go and use it and do real work.