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Positive vs Negative, optimism vs pessimism, I find that this is a fight people fight their whole life. Being too optimistic can be problematic if they lose touch with reality and believe everything is dandelions and roses but end up stepping in poo because they forgot to be vigilant. I am not saying being negative all the time is good either! You spend all your time looking at dog poo you miss the beauty around you. So a happy mix would work best.

This applies to the art world as well. There needs to be art about positive and negative, both have their uses, pointing out the horror in the world in the art world can make the general public look again and think about the world more.

Goya’s disasters of war, for example, are very gruesome and show the horror that war can bring.

I want to be on the other end of the scale in my work create a bit of happiness to everyone who needs it. In my artwork since I want to be that annoyingly optimistic that it slaps happiness into your face.