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the review is ready to go !


and i find myself wanting to make the most of pressing the create and publish button.

i know from experience that when i’ve published something and then spent time promoting it i’ve felt rather under prepared for the promoting bit.

this time … i’m preparing the promoting before i launch the review.

part of this preparing is ensuring that the corridor website is up to date and the same is true for my own practice website.  this need to be at one within what i’m doing is another benefit of the go and see burarsy that in no way had been expected.

it’s helping me professionally from a point of view of being comfortable with what i’m doing, despite being sans plaudits all around me.  i too readily dis what i do if i don’t get immediate gratification of applause.

i see it as a much longer term thing.  what i do today will be helpful sometime at a as yet undesignated time in the future.

currently i am able to maintain my optimism :)