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Last semester I had a good idea of what I wanted to do for my degree project, but know because I have not done any art over the Christmas period I am starting to second guess my thoughts and ideas. I have begun to realize that not creating work for that long, makes me feel so unmotivated that I wanted to start my whole project again.

After playing around with different idea I began to see that I was still creating the same work, and using the same subject matter of process. I think that the only thing that I am struggling with at the moment is inspiration, in particular artists’. Whenever someone looks at my work they would always reference Jackson Pollock and he is an inspiration of mine, but I don’t want my work to be a representation of him. This is the time that I want my personality shine through my work almost like it is a part of me. Now looking at the work I have created so far I really like the vibrant colours throughout the work but one thing that I am not quiet happy with is that to me it look a bit busy in places, I don’t think that I have not found a flow to my work.