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I took part in a Collective North live chat today about action and activism today. I met (online) some really interesting practitioners and shared ideas and concerns. This online chat group is an interesting mode of dialogue in that threads start popping up and I ended up swapping between various sub conversations with different people. It’s a form of multi-channel dialogue that couldn’t really happen in real life. I suppose in theory you could have multi-directional conversations in sequence. Taking inspiration from the first patterns in taekwondo Four Direction Punching/Blocking (Sagi Jurigi/Sagi Magki) where you punch/block in the four 90 degree directions in sequence – a performance could be where you maintain four independent/concurrent dialogues with four different people moving around on the spot facing N, E, S, W or vice versa. I sounds like a parlour game or a game the surrealists might come up with! Would there be dialogue between the dialogues? A question and answer format or more broadly a response to the utterance? What would the guidance for the participants be?