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we spent a long time making that room i had spent the whole year in, into a clean and tidy, white space we could display the work but it worked well and i think it was good to have shown that spaces can be transformed into something else without too much effort, its also nice and empty for another artist to move into which i really hope will happen although it sounds like a difficult task for the school to organise.

As well as displaying the digital books of the drypoints, the monoprints and my own framed work, and also having the garden as a display. i also managed to just about successfully make a decent print from the sculpture which i put together and hung in the exhibition, i looked quite grand as an etching and i’m quite inspired to make further large prints although it is tricky to get a print without them being made up of lots of little ones, it seemed to be quite successful tho i think you just have to make a feature out of it.