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Part of the reason that I began a daily drawing practice was in anticipation of a project for which I’d applied for funding. I heard over the weekend that I’d failed to secure it. One of their reasons for refusing my application was what they called GDPR, which I understand to be the protection of data and or children, possibly. There are clearly ethics at work, which make them uncertain about funding a project that involves the observation, drawing and noting down of unwitting strangers’ habits, mannerisms, features and conversations. It opens up a whole can of worms, don’t you think? If this is the case, what are artists to do? Are we to ask permission for every sketch we make? Am I hurting those I draw? I do it openly in cafes. Some look, most don’t. I don’t use names or describe where or when I am drawing. It’s Health and Safety gone mad, said my partner.

I drew as usual, trying to maintain a momentum that I’d begun and that I’m loathe to let go. Draw for yourself, says my partner, it’s reason enough.