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I went to The Other in Mother seminar yesterday about perinatal mental health and saw Sarah Greaves installation of manipulated objects representing diverse experiences of maternal transition.

“Artist Sarah Greaves has been working with women who are recovering from postnatal depression, creating a Library of Objects on social media from women all over the world and interviewing perinatal health professionals to research the psychological impact of becoming a mother.  In response to her research, Sarah has created an immersive installation of manipulated objects representing diverse experiences of maternal transition.”

The seminar commenced with Sarah’s introduction to her research and work. She cited that the highest cause of maternal death is suicide and that perinatal mental health is a “silenced experience”. With a group of mothers she reviewed the art works in Manchester Art Gallery for the portrayal of mothers. She focussed on “maternal transition” and has created a library of objects that mothers have made and sent in. The objects Sarah has created are altered hybrid ‘transitional objects’ that she hopes will illustrate the varied maternal transitions.