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I’ve challenged myself more and risked spending time on making 100 postcards with the same phrase (small things) broken up on each. Using all of the remaining time making these and doing tonnes of artist research (the more I research into artists I intrugued by, the more I want to read/watch/listen about them, and I cannot wait to go visiting exhibitions again as soon as I have a day!)

The piece unneutral I have continued and come to the end of at college by writing, cutting, sticking, drying, tearing (off loose bits) and repeating.

In my last post I wrote a little about the small things postcards and I was wondering then about doing it on a bigger scale with more artists. This is what I decided to take a risk with. I’ve made 100 postcard with the phrase ‘we can do no great things, only small things with great love’ painted on in Burnt Sienna, torn up and stuck on in varying ways.

This piece of work is what I am most excited about and the artists who have returned my postcards with their own responses on have kindly allowed me to include their work in my display.

We have been hanging the exhibition yesterday and today and I’ve more to arrange tomorrow – more postcards to go up and the stone writing to lay out.