And a whole.

Scrap it.

And a hole (non-descript). It’s strange though because seeing something sometimes is not enough. Whereas sometimes seeing something is enough.

Na, scrap that.

Like being boxed-in by nothing, kind of. As in, what is it to be bound by infinity? Surely the same as not being bound at all (manacles and chains could build a better life for all). A painfully thin façade that you could see through (seethe / rough) if you wanted to. But you know what they say – ignorance is …

Fuck it, scrap that.

You are going …

Scrap that.

It goes, it goes, it goes. But what if you never knew where you were? It’s all very well favouring the journey over the destination, but then again …

Scrap that.

Sometimes it goes, it goes. And sometimes it’s fucking terrifying.