Viewing single post of blog Jamboree-Artist & Curator Event 2018

I took part in this walk and talk led by Katrina Brown on the last day of the event. The lucky spell of amazing weather dissipated and it was a very wet event. However it was still a rather magical experience to connect collectively through movement and being aware to our surroundings.

I was really intrigued to see what shape the walk and talk would take, I had seen a performance by Katrina as part of a Draw to Perform event in Brighton, where she was the sole performer, using her body to ‘draw’ within the space.

Her walk and talk ‘On gravity, rhythm and (dis)orientation’ began with

Whilst walking, I am curious to discuss how we think we are orientating our bodies and selves in relation to the ground, to the things around us, to sound and to each other – how do we understand our verticality in relation to the gravitational pull of the ground, the rhythm of our steps, swinging arms, breathing. This Walk & Talk is a way of getting to talk about what disorientates us, pulls us off our axis, catches our breath. A walk that talks around the physics and perception of standing in the world – and unexpected sensations of disorientation. For more info on Karina’s work see the link:
