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Heres a quick sketch to show a cross section of the double glazing units . A small hole is drilled in the side and then sand carefully packed in the space so that all the grains can be seen against the glass. The effect is really beautiful .

This time I’m going to go and collect the sand in London from the River Thames banks. This is a really incredible place. If you  can take time to really consider and look at sand, you will be able to make out all the individual grains.

I like to think of the Thames’ sand as history in a granular form. The grains are not just naturally  occurring parts from the river bed , but an infinite number of  parts ground up and carried in its flow, from the city it passes through. I love the idea that the sand is almost like a finger print of  London and the tiny grains can reveal so much about Londons past.

There may be bits of housing brick, metal, roof tiles, glass, ceramic, bone , plastic… so many things worn down by the water in to the tiny particles that make up sand.

The idea idea behind my sculpture is to allow the viewer to see the piece in many different scales, from the whole finished piece , to then drawing their attention to the individual grains of sand that fill it.