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Continuing the David Park-inspired life drawing session outlined in yesterday’s blog post, we turned our attention to the application of colour. Gary Long showed us some of his paintings, as well as those of David Park and the other San Francisco Bay Area painters to give us an idea of the techniques used. Gary used gouache for his paintings but in the absence of that medium here, I used watercolour. Not quite as opaque, but I was able to block areas in accordingly. Here are my paintings:

It was lovely to be life drawing again, albeit from a screen. I treasure these sessions and don’t take their happening for granted. To be able to take part in something at the other end of the country from my studio is simply fabulous.


I haven’t placed these paintings for sale but am always open to enquiries should any take your fancy – just click here to ask me.

Thank you to my patrons for making my art learning and practice possible,
your support means the world to me x

(fancy becoming a patron? click here for more information)