Late deadlines and coloured crayon cake in hot gallery rumpus

Is it just me or are all deadlines and applications designed to be conflicting and ambiguous? As a student in my final degree year I must admit I have left applying for an MA rather late, although sometimes I find if you leave things to the last minute the spontaneous decision works out best in the end! I can't decide whether to stay at the University I am currently at, which is an easy option as I know everybody already etc., but its so far from home… it's a tough decision and maybe I should have thought about it much earlier. It's a big scary world and sometimes its hard to feel other than small and insignificant. Is my practice weighty enough to merit further study? Or should I just go for it and leap into the world of unemployment and isolation? I'm sure it's a stage that is familiar to all artists. Exciting though!

Last night I was one of fifteen students from the University of Aberystwyth, who headed North to Caernarvon to the opening night of an exhibition of our final year's work in the Oriel Dafydd Hardy in the town centre. Small but selective, it was good to see our work in the gallery context, even though it was really hot in there and we almost passed out! Two students performed "The Love Cake" which was "baked" using coloured crayons, camomile tea and empty mussel shells. Its great to see the breadth of output your colleagues are producing after seeing their work progress over three years. It's very sad that I will probably never see any of them again after the end of term…