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I’m entering the last term at university and the big push for the final show is being felt.  I’m researching and reading at every opportunity, I sat in the car last night waiting for my daughter to finish cadets and read Imogen Racz’s book.  I’m writing in my lunch break at work amidst marking student’s artwork and there feels no space for any other thoughts.  I am dominated by art and love it.

We have had a couple of lectures on being a professional artist following the course and the great thing I’ve realised, is that I am already doing this.  I work as an art tutor, I facilitate workshops, I create art and I study.  The main thing missing is exhibitions and having a focus for when the MA is finished.


I’d like to try a residency and this will be something else I can look at over the next couple of weeks.

I am starting to feel confident as an artist and happy to define myself as one.