I was talking to one of the artists yesterday, who had submitted work for my ‘Doesn’t look like a book’ exhibition and she said that while it was the most frustrating and difficult thing she had ever done, it was also the most invigorating. This is the second time I’d heard that an artist had been pushed way out of their comfort zone to make something new.

I love that.

My own work has also been pushing boundaries (for me that is) I don’t know how people will react to it, as compared to some of the work I’ve received, it isn’t as ‘pretty’, but the exhibition is about thinking about books in a different light.

In one dictionary term ‘ A Book is something regarded as a source of knowledge or understanding’, not necessarily bound pages.

From the reaction of visitors to last time I did this type of exhibition,  l could see that viewers were spending more time looking at the artwork.  It was a mixture of a game, a trial…a bit of an endurance test, but it got everyone looking.

It worked well both for the artists AND the gallery, as people were venturing into spaces that were deemed ‘not as interesting’.

The exhibition is a mix of artists I’d worked with before and new ones that had submitted work for the callout. A good mix .

So this morning I waited in for parcels that had to be redelivered . The poor postman was absolutely weighed down, but I’m so glad that every one of them made it in time.

This is my last day off for a couple of weeks in which I don’t have to do much really, so I’m going to sit in the sun and enjoy my free time.

(And breaking with tradition by writing my blog a day early!)
