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Viewing single post of blog Ness of Brodgar Artist’s Residency 2023

Jim says the 3D photo modelling he is doing is beginning to be used in planning – and saves a lot of time where the excavation is chaotic and difficult to draw. It means they can do a simple plan and then superimpose his 3D model on top. Interesting how technology advances every year and its implications for the future of digging. (Jim’s contribution ‘From the trenches’ is in today’s Ness of Brodgar Dig Diary)

It is getting windier and colder, and tomorrow rain is forecast. This means that essentially it is the last day of the dig, before the site is covered over with tarpaulins and tyres, to protect the excavations until next year. Given the lack of time, everyone available is recruited to help clean and prepare Trench T so that it can be photographed.