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Viewing single post of blog Ness of Brodgar Artist’s Residency 2023

It seems everything gets bigger and more complex – including this project.  For the Ness of Brodgar this means both enlarging trenches to discover more archaeology, and amazing advances in technology.

Today I revisited a particular viewpoint at the upper end of Trench T, which has expanded every year since I first came in 2016. This season has seen the addition of two triangular extensions on either side.

Compare this with my earlier drawing and paintings


There is a new drone being used to map the trenches,  including work in combination with other technologies.

It possesses advanced capabilities way beyond my comprehension – but clearly has exciting implications for understanding the site.

Finally to return to something smaller I drew work continuing in the space between Structures 12 and 26 – also now known as ‘the corner of loveliness’.