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Viewing single post of blog Ness of Brodgar Artist’s Residency 2023

The mood on site was sad today. The Director’s much loved dog Bryn, who I have drawn several times over the years, passed away after a long illness.  There is a lovely tribute on the Dig Diary.

Added to this mournful atmosphere, a strong Orkney wind from the north was not conducive to drawing or sound recording outside. So I stayed in the Art Hut and recorded the sound of the wind whistling.

Then I drew my fellow Artist in Residence, Diane Eagles, making a basket out of Neolithic materials – willow stems woven with water iris cord. Following her residency last year making pots around the ideas of ‘Feast and Found’, this year Diane is working on both pots and weaving, and is looking at Apotropaic (to ward off evil) mark marking and the ritual placing of pots and objects.


No blog tomorrow as we have the day off ahead of the Open Day on Sunday