Viewing single post of blog On my way where?

It really is tricky maintaining art practice, talking about it on your blog and underpinning it with research. And despite promising that I would keep my online presence up-to-date I am nevertheless finding it exceptionally difficult…

I can see that others find aspects of practice difficult too, whether it’s how to bring work into being, show it, have an audience engage with it-or not- and pursue the right ‘opportunities’ with often lengthy applications

I feel I am discerning with my applications yet they seem to take an awful lot of time to complete and when I select images I fret at how long it is since I actually ‘practiced’ anything!

So this week I’m going to plan my studio days, stop procastinating and make sure I spend the allotted time actually playing around with one of the many ideas on my list

In the meantime here’s some images of fairly recent work…