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I do what I do and sometimes think about the ramifications of working alone so much with little or no validation from the outside – or larger world…then I think fuck it – I do what I do because I love it and if people do not like it – well that’s for them to worry about – not me.

Each piece hurts me, it’s intricacies and all the labour intensive processes that this type of art demands, I think perhaps I could cut this corner, or that one – no one will see or notice – but I will, I will know it’s there – or not as the case maybe, central to my work right now is being honest and conscious that I am respecting the craft that I am partaking in.

There are other things I would like to try out but I know I am not done with what I am doing, there is still a lot to explore, more challenges to attempt. I feel there is a lot left until I reach my limits and want to keep going until I reach those limits and have exhausted all possibilities. I know for a fact that this is probably a decision that I will regret when I am a third of the way into a big drawing but it is something I feel I need to do, I guess it will make or break my work at which point I will begin to explore other avenues of interest.

Anyway here is a picture of my latest drawing. What do you think?  I am experimenting with colour to try to maximise the popping I can get from the colour, this should really become apparent when I complete the work in the negative spaces.

instagram: stu01621

twitter: @stu01621

artfinder: stuart belton