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The instagram bio is a short (150 character) introduction to you and your practice. This means whatever you put there has to be concise and quickly explain what you do, and share any other important links etc.

I have take a few screen shots of some other artists’ bios to provide a sort of framework to work from, as are shown below:


This first bio is from a paint pouring artist, who I discovered on instagram. As you can see, his bio is very limited, saying only “Print Sale Now Live” – this doesn’t give any insight into is artistic practice, but it does highlight something that he deems as very important for him at that moment – his print sale. The capital letters above the URL create a clear path for the viewer to follow, and will help lead his followers and visitors to his page where he wants them to go.


@irisscottart bio is simple and self explanatory – explaining her practice and location in one sentence. This however doesn’t feel right for my page – it somehow feels too formal, and sort of stilted? I want something that explains myself and my practice, without being too formal.


@snooze.one has a very modern and vibrant lettering/calligraphy practice, and their bio reflects this, through their use of emojis to introduce each new line in the bio, which gives a new piece of information – the last two using emojis to literally point down to the URL, guiding visitors there for their enquiries etc. This is fun, but I’m not sure whether it fits with my style of page – although that might depend on the specific emoji’s I use. This is something I need to try out and experiment with.


@andy.c.white bio is vague but playful. It’s very simple, but explains their practice to the viewers, being both professional, but also casual, showing that they are still a normal and creative human. This is the style that I like most of the four that I have looked at – it does what it needs to, but is playful and individual with it – things which are important to me in my online presence.

These bios are all brilliant and varied examples of how artists use their bios to quickly direct and inform visitors to their accounts, and have given me a good idea of what I am looking for and what I want in my own bio.

For me, it needs to be professional, but a little informal, showing that I am a human under this account, and that I am creative and playful. It needs to be clearly and briefly informative and direct visitors easily to where they need to go to find the information they’re looking for. It might also say a little about me – for example, the fact that I am a 3rd Year Fine Art student, or link to my activism account, as it is an integral part of my practice.