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‘Patriarchal timing is quantitative, measuring space in equal sections. Matriarchal timing is qualitative, subjective, experiencing the length of the moment according to feelings’

This work is a quantitative analysis of the components of a lemon in regards to the body and the furnace.

It involves placing, configuring, counting and recording. 50 lemons laid out in a methodical grid formation.

This is a response to the way iron and coke is broken, organised and weighed in preparation for an iron pour. The location resonates with these actions as these steps are where prepared charges ready for an iron pour are placed, in anticipation.

I have considered myself approaching the simulation of pregnancy through iron casting from the male perspective, perhaps I have lost my position of female through not being able to experience biological birth. Therefore I am emulating the behaviour of early male smelters needing that artificial simulation for experience. Quantitative actions opposed to qualitative feelings.

25/50 were peeled and measured.