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To walk or latte?

Arranged to all make turmeric lattes to sit and chat. One of us remembered, tea will do fine.

Thinking of walking in city scape – both port cities Southampton and Rotterdam are connected in stories? How else to tell stories? Performance, recorded? How to share? story telling / video / virtually / Documentary (Jonas Mekas). Collecting stories, generating stories, taking turns, roll the dice/ each compose sentences/images on slips of paper/(tarot) cards.

How to return to the soil as an urban dweller? Thinking about walking. Necessity as motivation to do stuff. Staying local, treading the same steps, over and over. Maybe these are the reasons it could be meditative? How to keep walking in local urban area fresh? How to make going outside appealing in the winter lull. Finding different things to listen to whilst walking, having a group conversation, geo-caching. Small mediations, collecting things go off on a walk where we are.

I’ve prepared a guided energy listening exercise if we wanna give it a go?

Using our hands to listen. We draw how we saw it on paper and talk about the exercise.

Meditating on the meanings of “hold” Different types of support / cradle / nurture. The meanings of ‘holding’ or “holding back” / “holding space”

(indecision about what to do next…)

Finding rituals –  turn towards something with a greater meaning of the universe during this time.

(constant stimming)

Vulnerable and discomfort when around people, social / general anxiety in pandemic times. Walking same route provides security. New windows into an alternative locality and stories.

Thinking of a previous S/S/S project ‘Invisible Tour’ – how could that work out and about?

Humans as bilateral beings can move both sides of the body through the memory of trauma. Walking, tapping, drumming, eye movement. Eye Movement De-sensitisation and Reprocessing (EMDR) Therapy. A structured therapy that encourages a person who has experienced trauma to briefly focus on the memory while simultaneously experiencing bilateral stimulation (typically eye movements), which is associated with a reduction in the vividness and emotion associated with the trauma memories. Moving both sides of the body whilst recollecting trauma to allow the body and brain to allow the processing of it. Using the imagery of three figures – a protector, a nurturer and someone wise

Turmeric latte recipe

The art of not giving a fuck

Eye Movement De-sensitisation and Reprocessing

The joy of steps 20 ways to give purpose to your daily walk