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I’m about to start a new body of work. This is always an exciting time as I anticipate the journey ahead and what surprises it might bring.

I’m currently preparing my surfaces – stretching, sealing and priming a number of small canvases. I don’t find this at all laborious. In fact is feels like an important part of the process and feels meditative in its nature.

This new work I intend to be a development from my abstract collages on paper I have been working on over the last few months. I will be using a similar approach for some of the work, plus also introducing aspects of work completed previously in terms of print transfer and oil painting combined.

As for subject matter, I will be using as my starting point some photographs I have taken recently where the object or objects in the photo are unclear. I have tried to capture the connections between things, the light, shadow, shapes and pattern so that the final photograph is a suggestion of something abstract and undefinable.

I plan to include some mark making within the final work whether it be painting or drawing. My intention is to try and push this more as a emotional and playful response to the abstract image. However I am unable to explain anymore than this as I just don’t know what might happen along the way.

The image shown is a photograph of mine that I’m likely to include in this new body of work.