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I got a call from my brother to say that our mother was in hospital neat Luton, and not too well. She is 94 now, and with pneumonia having had a hip replacement, a long away from the sea, me and West Penwith. She was much more present than she had been for my last few visits with her. We are gently loosing her to dementia, but something in the hospital treatment brought her back to us for a few hours. I spent time with her and as she slept I made some drawings. I have thought long and hard about whether it is OK or not to share these images, but I have decided that I want to. I hope they are seen a celebration of a life well lived and not seen as negative. There is a chance that she may come and live in a nursing home in Penzance, where I would be able to go and see her when I want, which will be good for us both.