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Yesterday was a productive day in many ways, particularly regards the Copse Project. I went to the copse for the second time, where I will be working to improve a confused underused space, turning it into something like a community woodland. I met the people involved in the project and began to get a feel for how things work and who does what. We began clearing the overgrown edges to paths to reveal a labyrinth of small tracks.

I have never seen ivy on the scale it has grown in this copse. After initial research ivy is not the monster I had thought! It supports wildlife in so many ways and is a positive not a negative.

Anyway the reason this relates to Fred is because after talking with powers that be on this project I am allowed to bring Fred along while I work on my own in there! I have been given a key (great privilege) for such a newbie on the project. Made me feel part of a team and trusted already which is a great start and I am excited by the project.

I was going to pop over today to create a diagram showing the general layout of the space with the maze of paths and clearly defined areas already there.

You know what they say: Let sleeping dogs lie. I will have to wake him up and take him along for a taster session.