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This time tomorrow I’ll be in Paris, waiting for my fight across the Atlantic to be reunited with my coat.

I am curiously, at the moment at least, not at all stressed about the journey. I think this is partly because I am responsible only for myself, but mostly because I am so excited!

It seems to have come about through serendipity, chance, coincidence…

One minute I’m reading Wendy’s blog, then I send her an email, and a few months down the line, I’m packed and ready to be off!

My friend Bo says that God is in the coincidence. I don’t know about that, but serendipity is a culmination of things that happen, I believe, because you have put yourself in the position to make them possible. You have to say yes to things, you have to talk to people, be nice to them, help them, have faith in them. You also have to know who and what you are, in order to say yes to the right things… and… no too. Saying no to the things that don’t fit can be more difficult, but just as crucial. I have to know what sort of artist I am, so I’m in the right place, doing the right things. This way, onlookers also know what I am and who I am.

If I’m doing what feels right, if I have established principles and practices, my path is clear, and I am open to opportunities. My view isn’t cluttered by the wrong stuff, so if there’s a lovely little tangent, I can zip along it, and back again… spurred on and inspired.

Open and clear. That’s my Spring resolution.

It makes for a light heart, and puts a spring in my step.