it might be play-off time of year but in what league does the match ideal v real take place?

in the process of moving house i’m juggling what i think might be ideal while waiting for the real to be generated.

in another failed to make the shortlist email this week my ideal outcome was again fallen short of the real.

in my mind ( oh mr izzard )

i play the match of ideal v real.

i think i don’t play very well – currently – as my winning has a lot of room to be improved.

once again i’m here on my laptop making a blog post and my head is all over the place and really i’d like it to be centred and witty and focussed and amazing and attracting lots of plaudits …. oh look the game never ceases ….

-pauses to sip tea-





can i adapt even more than i already have done ?

seems like i need to try stopping the game and be real.

note to self ….


head spin …

bingly bong , bong bingle , image edittting, do whap …… squirrel, peak, awkward , me, image editting, document box, lines, 1 minute film submission for may and june and is there a series of three …

plus all the personal stuff i need to do with the house move.

i’d really like to work with an organsation to develop my ideas and i just wonder if i can ever write it all down well enough to be noticed.

time to walk and give space to head spinning…

the image editing is ongoing …