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an argument … oh monty python where are you now … (video below to what i am thinking about.)

monty python showing that an argument can be fun.

oh bimble off into lah lah land of waffle and lovelyness while i wonder what to write about in this post. i do amaze myself sometimes. thoughts abound of what i’ll write and rather like a bottle of bubble solution having achieved the intention of the contents the contents are gone.

i’ve tried not thinking, however this is quite dull.

what is fun for you?

what is fun for me is the basis of one of the waiting to be considered applications. several times this year i’ve heard it said that it needs to be fun, in relation to a process. it’s readily associated with children and young adults, however can it still apply to an older generation. what is it about having fun that’s so bad?

monty python show that it’s possible to have fun with words.

thoughts of david shrigley having fun with visual art.

so does the need for intellectual concerns within visual art rather stifle the possibility of fun? in asking this, am i setting up an intellectual concern?

in processing the images for this post i saw that the more information in the picture, the more there was setting up internal reactions and questions. by leaving out things the questioning was reduced.

titling … for ages i’ve been aware of how the title leads the audience. in titling the image untitled merely helps to reassure the audience that i have considered a title and i’ve chosen to leave out any additional information.

i’m asking the images to be looked at for what they are.

we all react to our art experiences by the boundaries of our own life experiences.

is this a benefit of visual communication over verbal. considering the monty python sketch, there’s a subtle layer of intelligence in the script that i think has a clear dividing line… and i’m assured by the song that there always is a dividing line …. ummm wether to add that video link …. to that particular life experience for me …?

the Argument Clinic by monty python