Well, here we are already at the end of week 1! I thought time was supposed to slow down as you get closer to a black hole (mind you I’ve never studied astro-physics, so could very well be talking out of one). The wild and woolly West is out there putting temptations in my way – probably the same as it did when you were here Tish, and some days it’s difficult to resist.

I’ve resorted to writing ‘To Do’ lists in order to get some sort of daily routine. Very sad, I know, but at least you get the pleasure of crossing things off! Work is still progressing steadily (thanks to aforesaid lists) – big panic still well over the horizon.

By the way, if anybody out there thinks they might know me – well you could be right! Big hello to all C & G Decorative Stained Glassers at City of Bath College, and even bigger hello to Wiltshire College, Trowbridge, Foundation Course 2002/03.

Signing off for the weekend. Have a good one everybody.


Hi there everyone. Time to start blogging!

With only just over six weeks to go before our Opening, things are beginning to warm up a bit here in deepest Wales. Term officially ended last Saturday and quite a lot of the others have gone home for Easter break – hopefully taking some of their work with them. See them all again near the end of April in time for the final mad scramble.

My work is coming along steadily (famous last words!), but there’s a lot of it still to do. Nothing like pressure to focus the mind (or so I’m told). The theme of my Final Show is interpreting the past, and my draft catalogue entry gives an insight into what I’m trying to do.

“Interpreting the past is particularly problematic. Information may be scarce; anecdotal evidence corrupted by ‘Chinese Whispers’, or worse still, deliberately rewritten to fulfil a particular purpose (a reason itself lost over time and also probably the subject of editorial licence). The artefact remains: an enigmatic orphan; open to suggestion and ripe for misinterpretation.

My work explores the world of these ‘orphans’ examining how their identity can be disguised, manipulated and modified to provide the potential for reinterpretation (and possibly misrepresentation).

Step into this world and judge for yourself.”

The plan is to build an installation using plaster tile shards from a fictional ancient culture to represent the remains of that culture, and use variable lighting to throw shadows. Thoughts behind this are that the physical pieces represent the material facts from the past, and the shadows thrown by the lights become the different interpretations that we put upon these facts. In addition I’m creating a load of small pieces that will displayed in a glass-top box, in the same way that museums do, but haven’t worked out yet whether to label them or not. Also I’m doing a series of paintings (I need to in order to satisfy assessment criteria for the module) – all in all a lot of work, but if it comes off it should look good. I’ve been allocated a complete room for all this, rather than a regular exhibition space, so it’s now down to me to make the most of it.