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A two months production time, from a project on paper to 230 cm high outside sculpture, is agreeable a very short time. Fortunately, we can make use of modern technology to take a shortcut to the traditional process of creating a full size piece. After the scanning of the 45 cm model, a computer will enlarge the 3d scan and cut it out of polystyrene blocks. I will then insert a metal structure into the cut shapes and sandwich them together again.

The polystyrene shape will then be covered with quadaxial fibreglass matting and Jesmonite,  made up of two components, a liquid acrylic compound that binds a gypsum powder (not unlike that used for plaster casting). The resulting mixture acts much like plaster for 24 hours, then hardens to acrylic-like properties. This is a laborious act and will need lots of layers and filing/sanding back.

Here some pictures of the scan: