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I’m lucky to have gained a new studio  space for the final year of my MA at Suffolk University. Went in today on a non-contact day and bumped into two friends who were with me on the BA course and who now have a shared space in the Atrium Studios. Also two tutors and two technicians. These random conversations are what makes going into a more distant space so worthwhile. Although I do have a good space at home it is all too easy to get sucked into doing the washing-up, watching addictive,boring TV, making toast… and all those other comforting silly distractions.

So instead I found myself sloshing watery acrylic around..thinking Helen Frankenthaler. Remarking on Sarah’s embryonic DiebenKorn painting and Julie’s lovely mono printing efforts and then promising to meet up with one of my tutors to talk about my painting. Time much-better spent.