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A chance remark from a fellow student, has made my day. I said how much I loved the Ab Ex show at the RA and she immediately said it wasn’t her thing and she didn’t expect to like it. I was surprised that someone could so instantly dismiss something I thought so good. Later, thinking about that, I realized how much I liked her certainty and how sensible it was to not spend or waste more time considering once you’d made up your mind about something.

It made me see how silly it was of me to be agonizing about not going to see the Spill stuff. I have almost a horror of performance art. Much of it makes me cringe. It just isn’t my thing ! Much better to simply admit it and move on. I often feel a sense of guilt if I can’t understand or appreciate some forms of art or some opinion about a subject. It makes me think there is something wrong with my attitude or some gap in my knowledge when, in fact, there is nothing wrong with holding a different view.