Collections - a-n The Artists Information Company


My Work

Here’s some of my paintings and a link to my website / insta if you want to find out what I’m up to!

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Nottingham Art Fest 2024

The piece I did for Nottingham Art Fest 2024. Painted live as part of a big mural project along with a bunch of other real talented artists painting their pieces. Acrylic and oil paints on a 1.2 x 1.2m board. […]

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Critters and Monsters and Wotnot

Some random character type folks. I occasionally draw completely digitally but usually like to use pencil on paper then digitally colour them. Hope you like’em!

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Some Painted Stuffs

Here’s a small collection of some paintings I’ve done over the years. Mostly using acrylic with some oils thrown in there. Enjoy!

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This is Me

Howdy all! Just starting off with this piece and giving a big hello to this artistic world. Feel free to get in touch to say hello, discuss commissions or what have ya. Will be adding more stuffs as I go. […]

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Young girl reciting poem, large group sitting & standing listening and large flag blow by wind.

Albania, 1987 & Kosovo, 1990

The photographs were recently shown at Barking Learning Centre as part of ‘Our Home’ Refugee Week events and show the daily lives of people in Albania 1987 and Kosovo 1990. People who shared dreams, faith, hope and love with their […]

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Carbon Foot Prints

My work is a constant ponder of life, wherein I ask myself whether I belong to a particular place, or if I am a blend of various cultures. I am deeply concerned about the kind of people we have become, […]

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Tiger, Tiger roaoring, Tiger stripes, Wildlife art, Big cats


Acrylic Paint on canvas | 61.8×71.8cm Available from Soho Fine Art Gallery, Canterbury

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Magic of Water

Hi Everyone! This is my first collection here! I enjoy painting with a palette knife and the beauty of nature inspires me. I’ve just moved to the UK and am looking for my community here! So, nice to see you […]

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When Will it be Released? First NFT to be Minted Friday 12th April 2024 for preview. Auction Start’s Saturday 13th of April.   Were will it be Released? Minting on Foundation app at:

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coral on moss

work open-ended

Collection on creativity, community-based practice, organic process, open-ended. This is linked to a current commission: Remembering Together. Visit project page, sea website.     J, Henson (with The Muppets and Friends) (edited by C, Henson), It’s Not Easy Being Green: […]

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Photograph of an estuary with digital intervention.

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Bomb Bird

‘Bomb Bird’, created recently in Carrara, using Bardiglio marble and Carrara marble. I made it at a time of great threat to the whole of Ukraine, and was horrified by the perpetual missile attacks by Russia, in the effort to […]

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The Saba Head

For many years I have been interested in ancient stone carvings, and at times I have produced simply carved abstractions of a Celtic kind and heads that reflected this interest. About 18 months ago, I came across a set of […]

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Personal but not private paintings

Hey just figured out how to make my posts public! I have built and maintained 2 websites on WordPress for many years but confess I have found the AN site difficult to negotiate – you get used to it I […]

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Socially engaged watercolour painting

I consider painting a continuation of my performance and interdisciplinary practice that I have pursued since the late 1990s. They continue to explore physicality and movement, gesture and personal stories in order to explore the common condition of women and […]

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Painting Statement 2021 ‘I paint chaotic and bizarre domestic scenes of every day life. Surreal and dystopian figures gesture as if from a medieval illuminated manuscript, or an Old Master like Bosch or Michelangelo, but twisted somehow. Richly textured compositions […]

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Zombie in the water

Abandoned fishing gear makes up most of the plastic pollution in some parts of the world’s oceans and seas, killing and injuring more than 100,000 whales, dolphins, seals, and turtles a year.

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Theatre of the Self

Theatre of the Self : Performance, writing and mental health project Books are for sale @£19.95 with a website about the project:   ‘I would recommend The Theatre of the Self to anyone who has or wants to take […]

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In responding a Madge Gill commission proposal I became a little obsessed with making drawings of Madge.The more I did the more I enjoyed it and experimented.I have found that using ink and wash with soft oil pastel really lets […]

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Smoke and mirrors

Art nouveau mirror frame, forged from mild steel.  Sinuous filaments impressions of ribbons and vapour. 煙や落下するリボンのような鋼    Sold £200

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Archaeology of Self

In the Archaeology of Self series that Jose Westerman has been working since 2019, he explores the intersection of figuration, abstraction and indexicality of subjecthood in the context of the anthropocene. The interplay of the abstract artefacts and the figurative […]

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Extraction series

Extraction series, the clues in the title & the visual similarity with the Fissures may give away what images were subjected to the extraction process – everything was complex colour, I wanted something simpler & within regards to our Multiverse […]

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Fissure Series

The Fissure series has been my continuation of visually representing our Multiversal reality, firstly through the slowing down of time that allows photons to be digitally captured in a way that shows layering. Then that image is repeated, reflected & […]

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Racing, an original painting by Neil McBride


This small painting is part of a body of work from Yorkshire’s premier painter of crowds. Neil McBride has a well deserved place among the contemporary artists living and working in god’s own country of Yorkshire. The painting is very small but […]

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Handhold 2

Part of my Handhold Series, this work is an outcome of my observations of what symbolises human nature, everyday life and connection. This piece is hand embroidered on french linen and is a symbol of life and togetherness which feels […]

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Part of my Handhold Series, this work is an outcome of my observations of what symbolises human nature, every life and connection. This piece is hand embroidered on French linen and is a contemporary symbol of life and togetherness which […]

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Recent Work

‘Leach’ | 30 x 30cm| Resin and coloured tape on linen | 2020 | £180

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Recent Work

‘Nail your colours to the mast’ | 30.5 x 30.5cm | Resin and coloured tape on board | 2020 | £200 (this piece has now been sold)

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Recent Work

‘Onions Wrapped in Rubber’ | 30.5 x 30.5cm | Bio-resin and coloured tape on board | 2020 | £180

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Recent Work

‘Stigma’ | 30 x 30cm| Resin and coloured tape on linen | 2020 | £180

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Recent Work

In the studio today experimenting with angles and off-cuts. I’m exploring how my rhombus drawings (that in this case have been turned into stickers) react to, and are changed by, their interaction with an object. Here’s today’s effort… ‘Exploded Contract’ […]

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Muscians and Singers

My musicians and singers fine art… Gallery Available Originals Prints Resin Prints Ltd Edition Prints My Testimonials page and Facebook Page contains a selection of feedback on my artwork.

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Coaching and Mentoring resources

This collection bring together a number of resources relevant to artists who are seeking coaching or mentoring support at any stage in their career. These guides and profiles offer valuable information, insights and strategies on art practice from a range of […]

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chantal chaervey

I just wanted to announce myself as a newbe on this site. I am a sculpture based in suffolk. I create birds and animals from recycled silverplate cutlery combining them with hardwoods and burrs as plinths. my work can be […]

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Classes supplied by TmJ printglass Visit us at For further details

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Self Development Through Creative Arts Workshops

Discover Who You Truly Are Through Creative Arts. Discover what makes you unique through your skills, your strengths & weaknesses to avoid the threats and act on opportunities to live a fulfiling and resilient lifestyle. Our Taster Sessions aim to […]

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The Statue of Liberty Crys

This is one of my paintings form a Human Condition with all tha is going on in the world we need to make some scenes a place were we can feel safe and engage

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Last day of August, a new year begins

So, it’s the above day. Firstly, I need to get some money coming in. To do list: Message home sch Ed… Those who have been forced into it re anxieties, bullying, low self esteem. Collect images quotes for presentation mini […]

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Pre-mentoring reading list

This collection bring together a number of resources relevant to artists who are seeking mentoring support at any stage in their career. These guides and profiles offer valuable information, insights and strategies on art practice from a range of expert voices […]

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Don’t give up the day job

Don’t give up the day job was an event hosted by Castlefield Gallery in partnership with Manchester Craft and Design Centre and Redeye, the Photography Network, in January 2018. It aimed to encourage people to keep sight of their artistic […]

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Opps/ Things to check out/ Scotland

Adding events and opportunities to attend or visit, focusing on craft in Scotland. Trying to group together things that  are either similar to the work I do or what I aspire to. Dark, macabre, Gothic, rebellious, large body adornment/jewellery/accessories/clothing. […]

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Crits by Threads

Our Folkestone crits are open for all visual artists who want to discuss their work with other artists. These crits are put in place for artists to take their practice further. Threads crit sessions are for visual artists to discuss […]

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Collected blogs and resources on the a-n site on artists’ residencies. See also my commissioned essay Residencies: practices and paradoxes

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MFA practice, Cardiff School of Art & Design

This year we have had three members blog about their practice during an MFA at Cardiff School of Art & Design. In depth analysis and self-reflection, along with inspiring material exploration and exciting performance work are discussed in blogs by […]

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Class of 2016

A selection of blogs by artists whose final year at art school happened to be 2015! The collection includes people who studied at University Campus Suffolk, Hereford College of Art, York St. John University and North Wales School of Art […]

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Trees photo

Alternative Art Education Articles

This is a collection of articles talking about possible alternatives to the traditional Art College route in to being a professional artist.  Collected from the A.N site.  Also about Artist lead initiatives and Education ideas generally.

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Yorkshire Events

Saltaire Arts Trail, fabulous idea, walk in and out of villager’s lounges, see art and craft by artists who are local or exhibiting in Saltaire via a local host. Events in Victoria Hall and elsewhere in this Unesco World Heritage […]

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Negotiating better

Resources on the a-n site that aid artists to negotiate better and achieve good conditions and terms as they pursue their practices and projects. See also my selection from a range of other sites in  20 Great sources on artists […]

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Artists’ residencies guidance

Selected resources and blogs from the a-n website that collectively suggest good practices and provide practical insight to artists seeking to work through residencies, and organisers and hosts offering residencies.

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Artist as leader

Collected texts and interviews on a-n that address notions of artist as leader/leading through their practice. Includes audio interviews conducted by Joshua Sofaer whilst a Clore Leadership Programme Artist Fellow.

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Class of 2015

A selection of blogs by artists whose final year at art school happened to be 2015! The collection includes people who studied at University Campus Suffolk, Cambridge School of Art (Anglia Ruskin University), Staffordshire University, University of the West of […]

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Artists livelihoods: evidence and analysis

Reports and commentary from the a-n resources, Research papers and editorial features that provide evidence about or discuss issues around artists’ employment and livelihoods. See also my separate bibliography of evidence on artists’ pay 1986-2016.

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Student resources

A selection of useful resources for students at all levels to begin placing their practice within a wider context. To think about networks, audience, funding, promotion and a professional approach to making artwork.

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Contracts – uses and abuses

Collection of legal guides and toolkits to support the a-n professional development event: Contracts – uses and abuses with solicitor Nicholas Sharp and artist Joseph Young, enabling participants to gain skills to produce and negotiate contracts, 3 February 2015, Pump […]

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Blogs I like

This is my collection of blogs and blog posts I enjoy reading. N.B. Non-exhaustive list

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a-n Collections archive

The a-n Collections series originally produced as printed publications with guest editors and themes including from open call for themes and contexts.

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Rural arts and policy

Selected texts, discussions, guides and profiles that address issues around or profile arts taking place in rural contexts.

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Art market

Selected resources on artists, the art market and the arts ecology.

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Really important arts people

Texts and profiles of artists who’ve made a difference to the life and times of the visual arts and stand out as role models.

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Bits and bobs I like

This collection of articles shows my interests which reflect my personal practice. My work can be viewed on saatchi art. 

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Resources for tutors

My selection of resources on a-n for artists and other tutors developing and running professional practice modules and events for art and design students.

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Legal guides

Legally-sound guidance on contracts, copyright and the law. Includes links to The Artists Contracts Toolkit – an interactive resource to build your own contract and gain understanding of clauses and terms.

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Paying artists

Collected resources that aid good practice and terms of reference for valuing artists’ contributions to the arts within society.

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Testing Boundaries

I am currently on the second year of a MA in Fine Art with OCA and have transferred from Goldsmiths where I was on the MA for art teachers. I am now focusing on my own practice after teaching in […]

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Good content for students

A collection bringing together relevant content for a-n’s art students, from student and other artists’ blogs, to interesting and timely resources published throughout the a-n site. Another great section of the site to keep tabs on is a-n Blogs, a […]

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Code of Practice 2012

Good practice portfolio

Key resources and tools from across this site that talk about the principles and practical application of good practice

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Resources to reference

Resources from the a-n archive that I will looking at over the summer as part of some research into residencies and prizes.

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Articles & images exploring environmental and sustainability discourses within contemporary practice.

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Student perspectives

A collection of interviews with previous student bloggers on the a-n blogs. Fancy being profiled as an art student working on your final year project, dissertation, studio practice? Start a blog, tag it with ‘art students’ and get in touch […]

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Graduate perspectives

Profiles and interviews with Fine Art and related course graduates, offering valid information, perspective and insight to life as an artist after graduating from art school. Please note, some of these articles may reference ‘Degrees unedited’ or ‘Artists talking’. Degrees […]

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