Blackhorse Lane Studios
Friday, September 9, 2011
Sunday, September 11, 2011
114 Blackhorse Lane Walthamstow London E17 6AA

Two days when artists open their studios to the public Open Studios is your chance to meet the artists in their work environments, get insights into how and what they create, and even take home a work of art. Engage in one of the most exciting aspects of contemporary art by discussing art with the artists themselves. Stop by and enjoy, be inspired and perhaps hallenged at this friendly, relaxed event. **Featuring: painting, sculpture, installation, ceramics, animation, photography, graphic arts and book arts. **ArtWorks Open 2011, ArtWorks Project Space, selected by Graham Crowley, Kiera Bennett. **Poetry readings by Forest Poets on Saturday Sep 10th. **Kid’s Art Quiz with prizes. **Part of the popular East London arts festival the E17 Art Trail, located near Inky Cuttlefish Studios, Artillery and Tokarska Gallery. **Among the 28 artists at Blackhorse Lane Studios are winners of Jerwood Prizes and many other art prizes; graduates of the Royal College of Art and other major art colleges; sculptors, painters and video artists. **Participating artists: Franki Austin, Francesco de Manincor, Jonet Harley-Peters, Charlotte Hodes, Lucile Montague, William Stok, Valerie Large, Tam Joseph, Elizabeth de Monchaux, Jonathan O’Dea, Michelle Reader, Mike Thorn, Neil Irons, Rosemarie McGoldrick, Lisa Peachey, Katrin Mäurich, Julie Caves, Sandie M Sutton, Pauline Evans, Duncan Evans, Daniela Rizzi, Charlotte Gerrard, Gisli Bergmann, Helen Maurer, Matilda Bevan.