Saturday, July 31, 2010
Sunday, August 8, 2010
The Harbour Margate Kent CT9 1AP
South East England

Helder Clara is a Portugese artist living in Margate, which has been his home for the last 14 years. His new work ‘Displacement’ explores the feelings of disconnected-ness, of being cut adrift, that are experienced if we live in one place, but have our origins in another. Helder uses recycled materials and the knitting process to create an installation that addresses these conflicting feelings . Knitting is a repetitive and contemplative activity allowing the artist to sift through his feelings about being a stranger in another land. The recycled clothes he has used carry their own meaning: they are ‘cast off’, ‘unwanted’, but yet they hold potential for another owner. Using jellyfish as symbolic representations, Helder creates an immersive environment in which we are invited to imagine ourselves cast adrift. Jellyfish are ancient primitive animals: they encompass both beauty and danger. We are fascinated when we see them, but keep our distance. At the mercy of currents, tides and the weather they are a metaphor for the lives of immigrants: disconnected, adrift, displaced.