Figure 8
This exhibition presents eight artworks that consider the human figure. On a changing basis, each work will be brought to the fore and placed in the window space of the gallery for part of the exhibition. Referencing a quote from Nikola Tesla stating that we are always primarily drawn back to that which ‘we designate as human life’, the exhibition’s premise is that the artist will always return to the human figure.
Until 21 April 2017, Tripp Gallery, 59 Amwell Street, London EC1R 1UR.
Shaping the Void II
Eight artists explore concepts of nothingness and the void through works that are rooted in abstraction and minimalism and take influence from eastern philosophy and spirituality. From painting to site-specific drawing and sculpture, the works in this show speak of presence and absence, formlessness and impermanence.
25-31 March 2017, Tannery Arts Project Space, Unit 8 Rich Estate, 46 Willow Walk, London SE1 5SF.
Ruins of Time / Asylum
The London-Munich Exchange (LME) project continues its exploration of the passage of time in relation to architecture, through a group exhibition at the Asylum Chapel in Peckham. Site and context-responsive works from the artists in the group include considerations of decay and ruin, and mental illness and its institutionalisation.
28-31 March 2017, Asylum Chapel, Caroline Gardens, Asylum Road, London SE15 2SQ.
A Cold Wind From the Mountain
A solo show of paintings by Eleanor Moreton that touches on a variety of subjects and influences, from the counter-cultural scene of 1960s west-coast America to the ‘floating world’ of Edo period Japan. Scale, location, colour and perspective are distorted with a fluidity spurred from a questioning of the original image upon which the paintings are based.
Until 28 April 2017, Exeter Phoenix, Gandy Street, Exeter EX4 3LS.
A life spent trying to find something…
Driftspace is an online gallery that functions as a ‘remote artspace’ curated by artist Marc Renshaw and developed as a conceptual project that exists in the mind, in specific places Renshaw visits and in webspace. Nostalgia is the inaugural theme of the first exhibition. For Renshaw, the drawings presented are an attempt to imagine a new future.
1 April-31 December 2017, Driftspace Gallery,
All of the above are taken from a-n’s Events listings section, featuring events posted by a-n’s members
1. Les Biggs, Targets (William Burroughs). Oil on canvas.100cmx100cm. Courtesy: Tripp Gallery
2. ‘Shaping the Void’, exhibition view
3. ‘Ruins of Time / Asylum’, poster
4. Marc Renshaw, Roads and motors
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