Research - Page 10 of 14 - a-n The Artists Information Company

Research Education

Born creative

In a series of essays, Born Creative brings together the experiences of creative practices in early years education. Intended to show the importance of cultures, environments and networks in the enrichment of early years learning.

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Research Participation

Culture shock

Joint Demos and CASE (Culture and Sport Evidence Programme) fellowship essay examining evidence in relation to public participation in culture and sport. Addresses the question: why should the state get involved in culture, and if it should, how?

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Research Working practice

Craft businesses thrive

2008 study by Cockpit Arts and Cities Institute at London Metropolitan University exploring business activity and performance in the craft sector.

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Research Participation

Community engagement

Catherine Wilson explores the myriad ways artists can engage with specific communities via residencies, collaborations, cross-cultural projects and research.

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