Independents Biennial - a-n The Artists Information Company


Fleece Flow: Bridewell

This review is for the first Fleece Flow: Bridewell, Liverpool in July, part of the Independents Biennial. The second related exhibition, Fleece Flow: Storiel, Bangor North Wales, on until 16th September, see Events.

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Blog Post

A Day trip

It seemed a bit crazy to have a day trip while in the midst of so much chaos at the moment. Every spare second of my spare time has been accounted for and yet, I had this mad idea to […]

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Blog Post

Day off

Not really. I’m away from the day job today and spent it slowly going through the ‘to do list’ before going back to work again tomorrow . I really wanted to see some of the Biennial and Independents exhibitions in […]

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Blog Post

Back to it

It’s really hard to get back into working again after taking a break – short as it was.  I just feel sometimes that my time is stretched  to its limits…family, work, house things.  It must be wonderful  to just have […]

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