New blog focused around interviews with practitioners from various art and design backgrounds.
New blog focused around interviews with practitioners from various art and design backgrounds.
sitting at our dining table i find myself staring out the window at a scene of slowly fading light with becoming brighter moon. what leaves are left on the trees wave at me like they are all vying for my […]
i can remember sitting in a well dressing meeting some years ago while the search for a new chair person took place. the wise one at the table suggested “if you want something doing, ask a busy person.” during the […]
scary – worked all day at derby museum and it’s been so good i’m blogging before i’ve eaten. i’ve lead a gif and meme session. put into the public programming after the artist rooms tate bursary pilot programme associated with […]
there is something very satisfying about getting to mid afternoon on a friday and logging into my a-n account to prepare a blog post. for one it means that i’ve got to the end of the week and managed to […]
my day today has been supported by forest school dog – i’ve been finishing off my 10 minute presentation for the smart story telling symposium in november. it’s been a while since i gave any type of presentation so […]
approaching the end of september in glorious sunshine – its unfortuante that i’ve caught the back to school cold. despite this i’ve had a good week, with lots of connectivity to people and ideas. i have to say that having […]
there’s a little over a week to get my australia symposium plan in the post. so what do i do – write – write lots, lots and lots. drink coffee make notes write. all the writing leaves me […]
after a weeks break at the end of august i’m slowly adjusting to september and beginning to get my head around what work load i need to manage. before i move onto melbourne i want to spend a little time […]
I have not had much time in the studio lately but now realise that what I thought was wasted time is erroneous. Subconsciously, ideas and thoughts wander round your brain wherever you are. The studio, for me, is a place […]
After three years of trying, I have eventually managed to fill in and submit an Arts Council funding application, the DYCP, not the big one! Although I know my chances of success are minimal, getting to the end of the […]
while i sat chatting friday i was asked “what do you do for yourself ?” i paused and struggled to find an answer. saturday afternoon after painting emulsion on two walls done after taking the dog out i sat on […]
friday night, the dog spread out on the arm of the sofa and my lap becoming warmer from holding the laptop ready to type. reflecting upon my week there’s been three main components. more sessions at derby museums, all of […]
my week has been spent at derby museums sites being part of the delivery team for four public programme sessions – diverse and interesting : tuesday buildings wednesday accidental art thursday muddy masterpeices friday bugs and beasts […]
once more i sit staring at the blank blog post entry and negotiate with myself how to begin. i do this ignoring my overall mood – one of tired hot slightly low yet upbeat at the same time. i have […]
Art etc. No. 5 Thinking Reading Filling in forms Updating CV Applying for commissions Improving artist statement Building online portfolio Getting press folder revised Emailing Collaborating Planning Editing post-doc draft (again) Creating project plan Looking at ACE form Well, what […]
i’ve visited the silk mill site this week – at the invitation of the museum trust’s site manager. we spent an hour walking round. here are a few of my highlights from the visit. a leftover question […]
this is nice – a wednesday morning and i sit down to write a blog post. on radio 4 is a dialogue between male politician and female reporter, electoral fraud was mentioned briefly however my focus is on the renewed […]
like pebbles on a beach i reach for my experiences this week to gather them together to draw them all into one place. i gather up the photos of buxton, the heat wave and the latest mens circle meeting. beginning in […]
i like getting to friday and taking some time to reflect back over my week. this one has been varied and i’m pleased to write today about a feeling of clearing i have. i feel i’ve cleared some troubling energy […]
Studio-Intensive Day 9 Well, last day of my plan. It has been a headlong, packed week that is intended to project my development forward. Forwards and upwards. Would have liked more feedback and input but, the nature of things is […]
I read the entry from may. without holding the feelings I had when I wrote them, the words take on a new appearance. The words are a little bizarre – I’m reading them like they were written by someone else. […]
Day 2 Stream of random thoughts, not necessarily coherent. Blog is a form of practice. Described water whilst swimming in a Norwegian fjord a few years ago as sharp. The water in my pool where I swam today was soft. […]
As seems to be the way busy days at the fair, dinner with the friend I was staying with, arriving back in Enköping late last Sunday evening and an intense week with both work and the new studio put pay […]