A place to share the knowledge I am learning through and within my creative practice.
It is just about two months until the show in Uppsala and I think that I might have some idea about what I will do. I say ’do’ rather than ’show’ because I do not feel like showing anything at […]
This morning it dawned on me that I might have had the emphasis on the wrong syllable (as my old German teacher used to say). Suppose it is not the listening to the Swedish language on the radio that is […]
Suddenly one day last week a (’the’?) perfect title for the piece(s) that I am working on came to me – Rest. I was not thinking about a title at the time, I was just quietly getting on with […]
Exploring an artistic process and a connection with nature.
This week has seen the publication of a book I have been working on, with Verity Holloway and Boudicca Press, for nearly two years. Disturbing the Body is an anthology of women’s writing about their bodies – of times when […]
There is something very appealing about the idea of having my own studio. I mean a studio that I do not share with someone. It would be great to have a creative space where I don’t have to think about […]
So in between impromptu parties organised by friends and visits from my family I have actually managed to make a start on editing the film! But much as I get really stuck into the editing process, I find it hard […]
Art etc. No. 4 Following on from my last comment in Art etc. No.3, about how art takes a long time to come to fruition, I listened to Miroslaw Balka on Radio 4 talking about art being as much about […]
Studio-Intensive Day 4 A day where things have turned around. Tidying completed. My overnight recording wasn’t quite as well-recorded as I had hoped but surprising amount to noise. Lots of birdsong though. Need to try again tonight. Collage finished, needed an […]
It was a strange working week last week. My main focus was on completing my Grant for the Arts application plus some small applications for match funding. By the end of the week funding fatigue was setting in and I couldn’t […]
I’ve been making these little things. I made some of them years ago, though they weren’t pink then, and they didn’t really seem to be anything and so they got put in a box labelled “CURIOSITIES” along with some latex pods, […]
I’m looking at portraiture for my studio practice and I’m sort of hitting a bit of a wall with it. My main discipline is photography. The concept behind the image is that “there is always something in the way of […]
Audioblog – Please click here The isolated artist is a myth. Impossible. (If you have evidence to the contrary, do tell) It is only by talking to other artists that you develop. (Talking to non-artists is good too, but a […]
Luxuriating in the way the paint swirls, clings and disengages from its support. It changes constantly, both during the process of application, whilst drying and after. I am not a painter. For the last 18 months at least, I have […]
Hamish Young is currently studying Sculpture at Edinburgh College of Art, University of Edinburgh. a-n Art Student: Are the choices you make in your visual practice the same sort of choices you made in your dissertation research? Hamish Young: There […]
Jennifer Hare is currently studying Fine Art at University Campus Suffolk, Ipswich. a-n Art Student: Are the choices you make in your visual practice the same sort of choices you made in your dissertation research? Jennifer Hare: I am not […]
Eilidh Wilson is in her final year studying Art, Philosophy, Contemporary Practices at Duncan of Jordanstone College of Art and Design, University of Dundee. a-n Art Student: Are the choices you make in your visual practice the same sort of […]
I’ve set my self the goal of making something in the studio every day, based on a list of starting points to further my practice. One of my current concerns is collecting and arranging collage off-cuts and I’m experimenting with […]
The collection is growing and visual themes are emerging. Collage Line neutral larger board Line colour larger board Line neutral/ collections on board Line B&W mini board Line colour plus B&W mini Line Neutral + colour + shape and words […]
I’ve been doing a lot of thinking recently about my work and it’s left me feeling stuck. I am at a point now where I have started to pick apart my practice and really begin to understand what my artistic concerns […]
An exploration of why I do the things that I do. I aim to undertake a regular studio practice and to document it here, in order to investigate what elements of my work are important and what I’m drawn to aesthetically and thematically.